is a Star Image? Why is it Important?
Star image refers to the way an artist
presents themselves in the industry and how others perceive the performer. It
can be at constant development and change but can also remain the same for many
years, depending on the artist, genre and age. Many young popular artist
experiment with different styles and images, which makes their star image
ever-changing and evolving. In contrast, mature artists tend to stick to their
original image and focus on improving their style to be the best. Star image is important because it helps
audiences to identify their favorite stars and helps performers to stand out as
some artist have iconic or original image. It can also be a selling point for a
singer if they create a symbolic star image and create a ‘cult’.
can a Music Video Help an Artist with their Career?
- · Help to establish or continue a Relationship with the Audience- Through a music video an artist can create a fan base. This is because the viewer will feel connected to the artist if they are on screen, which can strengthen the bond and the audiences are more likely to follow the artist and buy their music etc.
- · Establishment- A music video can help the performer establish themselves as an artist and breakthrough to the public. This could also mean to reinvent themselves and show off their new image in order to attract fans.
- · Synergy- A music video is part of a larger campaign and a popular media platform which can help to sell and advertise brands or people. For an artist, a music video is a way of selling themselves and their products to their audiences and gain profit. It can also sell a movie or other product
- · USP (Unique Selling Point) - An artist can use their music videos as a unique selling point. This can be done through controversy which can bring the global attention to an artist or their product. This media attention could bring the performer fame. However, this can be also risky because too controversial content can upset audiences and the star can lose their audience
- · Expand Popularity- An artist can expand their popularity if they create a successful and appealing video. They can globalize it and therefore attract a mainstream audience, which will expand their notability.
Development of Star Image within Different Stars
Miley began her career in a popular Disney
show, Hannah Montana. She got the lead role and costarred with her dad and occasionally
God-Mother, Dolly Parton. She had the life every young teen wanted. She
expanded her career in music and acting and became a global Disney icon and so
began touring the world. Her star image then mainly focused on being successful
and reaching one’s goal. She set out a positive message to youth and set a
motivational example which inspired many teens around the world.
Sensation: Young Pop Star
Miley began writing her own songs and
released an album. Her songs then were influenced by boy crushes and innocent
love stories. In her songs she referred to common heartbreak and became an idol
for teenage girls who could relate to Miley. She had the look of the ‘girl next
door’ which allowed young girls to believe that they can become stars too and
reach for their dreams, just like Miley. Cyrus’ star image then focused on
being young and love which are themes that her audience could relate to. In her
videos she would wear trendy clothes and light make-up which allowed teens to
follow her style and feel connected to her.
Establishment: Star Image Development

Wrecking Ball: ‘Star Gone Mad’

Justin Bieber
Discovery: YouTube Accident

Pop Hit: Baby
2010 Justin released the track ‘Baby’ which became a global hit. The song is
iconic for Bieber and gained him international fan base and recognition. In the
video Bieber is seen to be lusting over a girl and trying to impress her. He’s
trying to get her attention and finally does. His star image changes from a
youthful adolescent to a lusting teen who begins to explore his love life. he
shows other teens that young love can be real and an exciting part of growing
late 2011, Bieber started recording his new album, Believe. His first track ‘Boyfriend’
was announced publically on The Ellen DeGeneres show. The genre of the album
was mostly R&B rather than teen pop, which shows star development. In the
video Justin is surrounded by expensive cars and females which straight away
shows his sexual desires. This contrasts his previous videos, as Justin now
shows his sexual longings and money thirst or success, whereas before teens
could relate to his circumstance. Justin shows that now he values relationships
and wants to be involved with females.
Present Success and Legal Issues
Justin is a famous icon in the popular culture. Yet he managed to cause some
controversy after being involved in drugs and faced issues with the law. He was
even imprisoned for driving under the influence of drugs. His album ‘Purpose’
was released. The tracks are mostly R&B and Dance. The song ‘What Do You
Mean’ and ‘Sorry’ show that Justin values partying and sex which is shown
through nudity in his videos and use of drugs. This shows that his image has
developed form a playful teen to a male sexual predator and an industry Star.
Stars and their Image in the Industry
My Chemical Romance: The band members have an
image of rebels and outcasts in the industry. They perceived as ‘different’ by
the mainstream and popular industry due to their genre and distinct clothing,
which suits the punk rock genre. My Chemical Romance are seen as emo and
dangerous due to the kind of music they create and conventions they associate
Ed Sheeran: Ed is perceived as mature and is widely respected
by the industry. He writes his own songs and creates meaningful music videos
and lyrics which appeal to a mass global audience. His rise to fame was a labor
of hard work and determination which is why he is valued by the industry and other
Justin Bieber: Bieber is
seen as a young and aspiring star. His mainstream appeal at such young age has
caused him to quickly mature which has caused a wave of controversy due to his
legal issues and reckless behaviors. His image has attracted young females and
is admired by males which is one of the reasons why he is so famous in the
The Beatles: The band is
established and respected by the industry due to their experience and global
fame. They also played a crucial part in the evolution of the music industry
and played a significant part in the making of music videos. This therefore
makes them a based band.
Star Image and Social, Political, Sexual and Moral
Stars often use
their image to influence others opinions or present their own beliefs or
opinions, especially in their music videos. These can be either social,
political, moral or sexual views, or a combination of more than one. These allow
stars to influence their audience and set the right example.
Star Image: Sexual
Many artists
express their sexuality through music videos. Due to the diversity of the music
industry it is common that artist include the LGBT minorities as part of their
videos. They can also try to get across different views about sexual identity
and gender expression. Artists like Macklemore has expressed their views on
homosexuality in their video ‘Same Love’ to promote equality and help his
audience come to terms with this topic.
Star Image: Political
Many artists use
their music videos and lyrics to express their political views or indicate
their opinions about a current affair etc. They see this as a way to represent
their views without and accessing a global audience. It can help them to gain
audiences if viewers think alike. Artist like The Cranberries are known to be
very open about their political views and use their videos to portray issues
and affairs. ‘Zombie’ was a peace song about the IRA and terrorism. It
addressed the political issues between Ireland and Britain at the time.
Star Image: Moral
Artists can use
their industry influence and music videos too express their personal opinions
on topics they feel passionate about or that are important to them or their
fans. It can help them to educate their audience and inform about moral issues
around the world. Artists like Michael Jackson were known for such acts in
their music videos. The ‘Earth Song’ is a plea video and a call for people to
see the issue of global warming and the possible effects.
Star Image: Social
Some artists are
likely to use their music videos to show off their lifestyle or promote their
way of being. they can also show off their believes and ideologies through the
video. Artists like Drake can present glamorous life and their wealth which is
evident in his music video ‘Started from the Bottom’. In this clip, Drake is
surrounded by cars and wears expensive jewelry to show off his wealth.
Overall, it is
evident that star image is likely to develop, depending on current trends and
audiences. It could be described as a ‘shifting signifier’ due to the fact that
it is fluid and personal to each artist. For many people it can be shocking to
find their favorite artist undergo an image change however because the industry
evolves so much it is almost crucial to evolve in order to keep up with the
industry and be successful, especially for young artist who are in competition
with all the other mainstream singers. In my video I want to represent my star
as someone regular and relatable, someone who looks average. This is because
audience will be able to relate to the artist and feel like they could succeed
too and breakthrough in the industry. In addition, this image will suit the
indie genre because many indie artists tend to live an average life without trying
to sell out a lifestyle, unlike Rap singers etc. I also think that the artist
should be socially, morally and politically aware and utilize these in their
music videos to show that they also care for others rather than themselves.
This would suit Dyer’s theory as stars need to have certain ideologies and own
cultural identity to show that they are an individual who has their own voice,
rather than following the mainstream.
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